All Courses (10)

Building a Smart Chatbot

Develop a conversational AI using natural language processing techniques. Train your bot to understand and respond to user queries in an informative and engaging way.

Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Train a CNN model to identify objects in images. Explore techniques like image preprocessing, feature extraction, and model training to achieve high accuracy.

Music Genre Classification with Machine Learning

Build a system that automatically classifies music based on genre using audio features and machine learning algorithms. Discover the power of music information retrieval.

Recommender Systems with Collaborative Filtering

Create a recommender system that suggests relevant products or content to users based on their past behavior and preferences. Explore collaborative filtering techniques for personalized recommendations.

Building a Stock Price Predictor with Time Series Analysis

Develop a model to forecast future stock prices using historical data and time series analysis techniques. Explore concepts like ARIMA models and LSTMs for financial forecasting.

Generating Art with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Delve into the world of GANs by creating your own AI-powered artwork! Explore different GAN architectures and experiment with generating creative content.

Building a Self-Driving Car Simulator with Reinforcement Learning

Create a simulated environment where an AI agent learns to navigate a virtual car using reinforcement learning techniques. Explore reward functions, exploration vs. exploitation strategies, and decision-making algorithms.

Developing a Fake News Detector with Natural Language Processing

Combat misinformation with an AI system that can identify fake news articles. Explore techniques like sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and factual consistency checking.

Building a Chess-Playing AI with Minimax Algorithm

Create a chess-playing AI using the minimax algorithm for decision making. Explore techniques like state space exploration, alpha-beta pruning, and evaluation functions.

Building a Music Composer with Generative AI

Experiment with the creative potential of AI by building a system that composes original music. Explore techniques like generative models and music generation algorithms.
